We wish you to have amazing days, side by side, in the midst of nature.
We received advice from the Pet Friendly University to welcome them in the proper way, so get to know our pet friendly spaces, services to ensure a more pleasant stay and rules of good coexistence.
Pet Friendly Spaces
For guests, well accompanied by their pets, tables are reserved inside and on the deck of our restaurant cafeteria. Observe the signs that will indicate the pet friendly area.
For guests, well accompanied by their pets, tables are reserved inside and on the deck of our restaurant cafeteria. Observe the signs that will indicate the pet friendly area.
Pets are welcome in the pool area, both outside and inside (but not allowed inside). Near the sun loungers, you will find hooks to secure the pet leash.
Of course, you can take your pet into the playroom with you, but remember to hook its leash to a hook.
Care for hosting to be wonderful
Near the tables, on the floor or on the wall, there are hooks to hold the pets leash, so they stay safe. And, you more comfortable, with your hands free to eat, without having to hold the leash.
water pot
We will take a pot of filtered and individual water for your pet on the table. We do not use the collective pot, as it is a transmitter of the protozoan giardia.
pet kit
A Kit containing:
Walk, pots for food and water, toilet mat.
Bags and Trash Bins
Please collect your pet's number 2 and discard it in one of the bins.
Note that there are caca bag points.
In addition to 6 trash bins in the hotel located:
In front of Vila Rouxinol, between the soccer field and the swimming pool, next to the Restaurant, next to the Playground, next to the Taquaral bar and between the soccer field and the events hall.
Pet Guest Documents
We ask that you bring your pet's vaccination card with the vaccines:
Up-to-date anti-rabies V8 (or titration).
When making the reservation, send a photo of the document via WhatsApp.
If you forget, your dog's veterinarian must send you a health certificate.
we accept
We accept sociable dogs that interact well with other animals and people.
We do not limit size, but we do require good behavior.
We accommodate up to two pets per apartment, but if your family is larger, please get in touch with our Commercial.
Pet Friendly Spaces
If the dog threatens to bite another dog or person, the accommodation will be terminated and the amount paid will not be refunded. Pitbull, American Staffordshire, Doberman, Brazilian Fila, Neapolitan Mastiff and Rottweiler dogs must wear a muzzle in accordance with state law 11.531.
Pet Friendly Spaces
The use of the guide is necessary at all times in the common areas, precisely aiming at the safety of all guests. Including your pet.
Pet Friendly Spaces
pet rate
We charge the fee for 1 pet R$120.00 per day, 2 pets R$200.00 per day.
Pet Friendly Spaces
Pet Alone in the Room
Do not leave your pet alone if he is not used to being in a new place without your presence.
What attitudes show that he is bothered, anxious and suffering:
excessive barking
Scratches with paws on the door
gnawed objects
Furthermore, it will cause financial loss to you, who will have to bear the damage.
And it will cause complaints from other guests.

Pet Friendly Spaces
Room Tidying
When tidying up and cleaning the apartment, the pet cannot stay inside.
If you go out and leave him alone, hang the PET IN THE ROOM sign on the doorknob so that our housekeepers do not open the door and there is a risk of him running away.
Pet Friendly Spaces
Watch out for the balcony if your pet is in the habit of climbing or jumping. If he's going to be alone in the room, don't leave the door to the balcony open.